MOMEDAS (MOnitoraggio delle acque del mar MEditerraneo mediante DAti Satellitari) is the project, funded by the OP ESF Basilicata
Region 2007-2013, which will export at Mediterranean scale the IOSMOS researches and activities.
The MOMEDAS project aims at the identification and training of specific professional figures able to develop and operationally test advanced satellite
techniques for water quality indicators study and monitoring.
The project, which will last 18 months, started officially on 24 January 2014 with the signing of the agreement between the Basilicata Region and the
Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis (IMAA) of the National Research Council (CNR). CNR-IMAA, leader of the project, will be responsible of
the training and research activities. The other project partner is GeoSpazio Italia srl. which, thanks to its expertise, will be responsible of assessing
the market potential of the products implemented in the framework of the project.