IOnian Sea water quality MOnitoring by Satellite data

18-19 April 2013 Measurement Campaign

The in-situ measurement campaigns are complementary to the remote observations activity and they are used to make an intercalibration at the local scale of such satellite data/products. Considering that along the Ionian coast there are the mouths of five rivers: Sinni, Agri, Cavone, Basento and Bradano, a sampling grid was carried out which includes a series of transects perpendicular to the line of coast at the mouths of rivers, and one parallel to the coastline.
Between 18 and 19 April 2013, a first measurement campaign in-situ was carried out with two particular aims: the acquisition and measurement of data and parameters provided and the assess of timing, logistical difficulties and costs necessary to make possible the in-situ activity, informations that will be useful for the subsequent campaigns assessment.

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In situ laboratory for chlorophyll and CDOM absorption spectra and suspended solids and chlorophyll concentrations analysis. Spectrophotoradiometer (ASD OceanOptics) In situ analysis procedures for sub-surface water sample
Multiparameter probe Idronaut * 316 * for measurements in depth of: temperature, salinity, and chlorophyll fluorescence profiles Cerruti boat property of IAMC (Institute for Coastal Marine Environment) of Taranto *Idronaut 316*